Sandro Tonali diduga berjudi ilegal sebanyak 50 kali dalam tiga bulan

Sandro Tonali diduga berjudi ilegal 50 kali dalam tiga bulan

Pada Oktober tahun lalu, Tonali diskors selama 10 bulan dan denda 20.000 euro atas skandal perjudian yang dilakukan di Italia.

Federasi Sepak Bola Italia (FIGC) bersama Kejaksaan Italia pun memerintahkan Tonali menjalani terapi karena kecanduan judi.

Baca juga: Mantan Pelatih China Akui Terima Suap Rp 158,7 Miliar

Reporter: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Redaktur: Irwan Suhirwandi
Hak Cipta © ANTARA 2024


  1. PBN sites
    We’ll generate a system of self-owned blog network sites!

    Merits of our private blog network:

    WE DO everything so Google does not grasp THAT THIS IS A self-owned blog network!!!

    1- We acquire web domains from separate registrars

    2- The leading site is hosted on a VPS hosting (Virtual Private Server is fast hosting)

    3- Additional sites are on various hostings

    4- We allocate a unique Google account to each site with confirmation in Google Search Console.

    5- We make websites on WP, we don’t utilize plugins with assisted by which malware penetrate and through which pages on your websites are created.

    6- We don’t reproduce templates and utilise only distinct text and pictures

    We do not work with website design; the client, if desired, can then edit the websites to suit his wishes

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